Monday 19 December 2011

What Is Christmas?

Okay...It's 5:54 pm and I'm sitting here alone, smelling the waft of chicken coming through from the kitchen and it has an hour and a half still to go, another late dinner, but at least I'm making the effort to actually cook and then perhaps eat it, as I haven't really felt like eating for quite some while, not since the bottom of my world fell out! One forlorn looking artificial Christmas tree with only fairy lights on it for company; stands in a make-shift corner taking up far too much room.  Christmas! What is Christmas? Christmas is far too much time consuming, too expensive, too gaudy and somewhat can be a rather lonely affair, which is why the suicide rate is the largest around this festive period.  Suicide, casualties of drink driving, casualties of just the drink, criminal damage, street violence, domestic violence, and the emotional damage caused by having to wear either Grannies or Aunties knitted jumpers is just the tip of the ice-berg, as well as being forced to spend precious time with people one just can not stand, and is one reason one hasn't seen them for the rest of the year!  Having to eat turkey or chicken, again, with turkey or chicken on the menu for the next seven days.  My chicken has just over an hour to go now, the smell of it wafting through the house is actually making me feel quite sick.  The thought of eating chicken, again, at Christmas...ugh! 
I'll be spending time with family over Christmas, it will be like an episode of 'Shameless', no doubt my elder son and his girlfriend will have an almighty fight, wait for it, the cause? the demon drink! But as for the rest of us, my Father and my younger little fella, we're be having a quiet time of it, my Father and I reflecting on the past and both of us missing my dearly departed Mother, and I missing my own family affair of not having a partner/husband, as my ex's affections are elsewhere this Christmas, for the first time, and even though we've been apart for nearly two years it's still a bit of a shock! The dynamics of our relationship are sure to change with this girlfriend pestilence!  If not already after ex has already blocked my numbers and now no longer replies to emails.  I did point out that as I AM the 'Mother of his child' I should have every right to a direct number to be able to contact him, in case of emergencies or sorts.  I hope now that I have my direct line to him back, regardless of girlfriend pestilence!  Christmas!  What is Christmas?  Christmas is an excuse to behave badly and to be in financial debt.  Christmas is a festival that was adopted and put in place instead of the Roman festival, pagans celebrating thee 'birthday of the unconquered sun' the 'sun God' even.  Christian religious leaders from that time wanted to convert the pagans, and by converting the Christmas festival was introduced, even though Jesus wasn't even born then.  Christmas! What is Christmas? It is a fake Christian pagan festival.  

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